
Who can become a member

  • Members of SHOM Manila shall be of lawful age, regardless of his/her residence, as long as the terms and conditions of the present paragraph are met and as long as the membership fee. A member of the Association may not be minor.
    • An Ordinary Member of the Association may be a spouse or a partner of the Head of Mission accredited in the Philippines.
    • An Honorary Member may be a person who has distinguishably contributed to the SHOM Manila organization.
    • An Honorary Member may also be a Head of Mission without a spouse resident in the Philippines.
    • Current geopolitical circumstances may play a factor when it comes to SHOM Manila membership each potential membership shall be considered on individual basis.

The resolution on a member’s exclusion shall be adopted by the Committee Board on request of at least half of all the Ordinary Members of the SHOM Manila Association.

Membership benefits and requirements

  • The Members of the SHOM Manila Association have the right to:
    • participate in all Association’s works and actions;
    • make use of the events and actions organized by the Association;
    • propose new directions of expansion of the Association’s activity;
    • vote during the General Meeting of Members;
    • express their opinion on the SHOM Manila Association’s activity and the activity of it’s bodies;
    • withdraw from the Association at any time.
  • The Ordinary and Honorary Members of the Association are committed to:
    • concern about good reputation of the Association;
    • pay membership contributions;

Membership fees

Annual membership fees. 3,000 php/year paid in cash to the Treasurer.

How to become a member

SHOM Manila monitors diplomatic circle activities and tries to reach out to the new arrivals in the Philippines. There’s no application formal required. Should you match the criteria outlined in a paragraph above, you will be contacted by SHOM Manila Committee members.