Project Funding Request

SHOM Guidelines for Project Funding Requests

SHOM’s Funding Cycle

SHOM’s primary annual fundraising event is the International Bazaar held jointly in November each year with the International bazaar Foundation (IBF), whose secretariat is based within the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).

SHOM accepts and considers requests for funding of charitable projects during the period January to March each year. Funds raised from the bazaar are generally available for disbursement to the chosen organizations in April/May each year. The attached application form should be filled out and sent to SHOM.

From time to time SHOM may organize additional fund raising events. Following such events, SHOM may arrange a one-off funding request cycle to allocate any funds raised by such events. The SHOM Board will determine the timetable for receiving and assessing funding requests and dispersing funds for such one-off cycles.

Charitable Project Criteria

SHOM’s overall goal is to support projects that bring life changing help to underprivileged women and children. To this end SHOM will consider requests for funding for charitable projects that fall under one or more of the following categories:

  1. Education
  2. Health/medical assistance
  3. Assistance for the disabled
  4. Livelihood development

SHOM prefers to fund projects that are a specific activity or a discrete set of activities that will be completed within a 12 month period. SHOM is also happy to fund the purchase of specific equipment or materials required by an organization to undertake its overall mission. An organization’s day-to-day operational or administrative costs and requests that necessitate a longer term funding obligation, such as staff salaries and scholarships, will generally not be funded. As a general guide, SHOM looks to support projects with total budgets of no greater than Php500,000.

Organizations may submit request for funding for multiple projects in any given year. They may also continue to request funding in subsequent years, but separate project requests will need to be submitted for consideration each year.

Project Funding Requests

Organizations should prepare a written project funding request that includes at least the following information:

  1. The complete name of the organization (and specific name, if different to organization, to
    which any checks will be made payable)
  2. The full registered address of the organization
  3. The Registered charitable identification number of the organization
  4. The name of the primary contact for the project
  5. The contact details for the primary contact – email address, telephone, fax (if applicable)
  6. An overview of the organization’s mission
  7. The project time frame (start and end dates)
  8. The total funding amount request
  9. The purpose of the project
  10. The goals of the project
  11. The expected benefits of the project
  12. A breakdown of the budget indicating the items on which the funds will be spent.
  13. Details of any previous funding or any funding which is received from other sources, i.e.
    government (Philippine or Foreign), companies or other foundations.

An organization should use the form below for project funding requests by no later than 31 December each year. This deadline may be extended If we receive suitable notification and application for an extension of time.

Organization Requirements

To receive SHOM project funding, organizations must have a registered permanent address and must nominate at least two (2) officers who will be responsible for delivery of the project and managing the funding.

Organizations that receive funding disbursed by the IBF on SHOM’s behalf must be registered with the SEC for at least 5 years. A Community Tax Certificate will be requested prior disbursement of the funds.

Monies will only be disbursed to the named organization and not to a particular individual.

Project Reporting

Projects that receive SHOM funding are generally required to provide two reports for each project:

  • Six month progress report
  • Final report, including financial summary, at project conclusion

Projects with a timeframe of 6 months or less may submit a single final report at the conclusion of the project.

An appropriate reporting timeline for each project will be agreed between SHOM and successful organizations prior to the disbursement of the approved funds. Photos are welcomed as SHOM likes to publish and distribute these to their supporters.

SHOM also aims to have a group of its members visit each project at least once a year. If you have a special event please do not hesitate to forward an invitation in plenty of time for us to make arrangements to attend.

Project Funding Request Form
A part of SHOM mission is to support chosen organizations with support whether through financial means or otherwise. If you’d like SHOM to support your organization, please do fill in the form and SHOM committee will make a decision whether our organization can make a contribution to your cause.
Fill in the name exactly as it appears on your organization registration documents.
You must be a registered organization / entity to qualify for SHOM funding.
Please provide a brief description of your organization’s mission.
Please provide a brief description of the overall purpose of the project including identifying the intended beneficiaries and describing the activities that will be undertaken.
Amount in Philippine Peso
Please describe the expected outcome of the project and explain what difference the project will make to the community.
Please provide an itemised list of what the money will be spent on and the estimated cost of each item. Where appropriate, include a spending time frame. Attach a separate listing if needed.
Please detailed description and proof of previously funded (or ongoing) projects handled by your organization.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Please attach any and all relevant files. You can upload PDF, XLS, DOC and DOCX files.
If the information provided is untrue, you will not only not qualify for SHOM funding, you will also be reported to proper authorities.